We deeply believe that no one should do life alone because true and lasting change happens best in community. In addition to our Sunday Gatherings, here are some opportunities to find a place to belong and grow.

Experience and Practice the Goodness of the “One Another” Life.
A Community Group is a collection of 3-5 households in diverse stages of life (singles, marrieds, old, young, kids) that gathers monthly in a home for a meal. The focus is on relational connection, where every person has the chance to experience and practice the “one another life."
The New Testament paints an amazing picture of this “one another life” that marks our kingdom family. We’re called to: love, honor, build up, be devoted to, bear with, comfort, forgive, be patient with, stir up, show hospitality to serve, encourage, exhort… all for one another.
Community groups are a place to experience belonging and practice offering it to each other - reflecting Jesus’ sacrificial love in our relationships.
Community Groups meet 1x/month.

Table Groups
Journey with Committed Companionship Toward Maturity in Christ. A Table Group is a smaller group of 3-4 men or women who are committed to putting into practice the basic principles of following Jesus. These groups provide a place to be known, to encourage and call out in each other what God is doing in our lives and stories, to practice honestly before God and each other, and to discover the way of hope and joy. Table Groups typically meet 2x/month.
We believe that the greatest learning in life happens by walking with others through the challenges of everyday life. However, there are also times when a specific class, workshop, or seminar can be helpful to piece things together. As we look to have all of our life formed into the image of Jesus, we offer regular opportunities to do the work necessary to grow. Some of these opportunities happen on Sundays, while others are offered for 6-8 weeks in the evening.
To find out what classes are currently available, email admin@realityolympia.com

Realm is the online communication tool that we use as a community to communicate and connect with each other. Groups, events and activities will always be posted on Realm.
If you are not on Realm and have questions, please email admin@realityolympia.com